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Using water for weight loss

 Using water for weight loss

Using water for weight loss

Drinking water is something that confuses many people, as some wonder: Should we drink water before or after eating, or should we drink during food? The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: “A third is for his food, a third for his drink, and a third for himself.” This means that water is the same amount as food, but we warn that drinking juice must be completely prohibited during food because it greatly increases the digestion of food, and this food begins to affect it. Fermentation, which leads to flatulence, because the acid in the juice increases the speed of protein digestion. God Almighty says: “And We made from water every living thing,” sothere is no problem with drinking water during, before, or after eating, and thus the stomach will be filled with water, and water has zero calories, so there will be no worry about gaining weight because We will eat and be satisfied, and the food will remain for a long time, and the water will dilute the very infectious juices, and most of it will come out in the form of waste. So the water will make us eat a lot, not absorb much, and will not store much, and this is completely different from children’s programs to increase growth.

How do we drink water?

“...And do not drink in one breath like a camel drinking, but drink two and three, and give thanks when you have drunk and give thanks when you have finished.”.. Therefore, basmalah and praise are required, and this gives the body the opportunity to feel full and quenched. This is one of the most important secrets of water for weight loss, and there are people who were able to reduce their weight by 35 kilograms by using water for weight loss, so water must be included in weight loss programs. In order for the effect of water to be better in the weight loss process, we can put a teaspoon of vinegar in a cup of water, and the stomach juice ratio is 70 to 1. The stomach juice digests meat in three hours, and this means that the stomach juice is very strong and its strength is much greater than a spoonful of vinegar. In addition, if If we add water to vinegar, its concentration will decrease significantly, but its effect will still be present, as it is beneficial in the weight loss process. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: “The best thing for you to do is vinegar.” We can put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar on a cup of water, and for those who suffer from ulcers, they can put only three drops on a cup of water, and this will change the composition of the water to become vinegar. Vinegar has several benefits: 1 - It is a disinfectant for bacteria present in the intestines. 2- It has an astringent effect and makes the stomach small. 3- It has an effect in removing infections.
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